Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Our Editorial Process

How we deliver reliable, usable, and accurate information.

We at Journal Review Content are dedicated to giving you reliable, practical, and accurate information so you are prepared to take care of your health and wellbeing. We make sure we’re bringing you the greatest information possible by using a well-established editorial process.

The Journal Review Content team created our editorial process. The foundation of all we do is it. What, though, is this procedure? How do we make sure that every publication adheres to our standards?

Every piece of content is written and edited by our team using the 4 pillars of our editorial process. You can always get the up-to-date, factual information you require thanks to these pillars, which include (1) gaining and preserving trust, (2) upholding high journalistic standards, (3) valuing accuracy, empathy, and inclusion, and (4) ongoing content monitoring and updating.

1. Earning and maintaining trust

Although it is simple to find health information, it can also be overwhelming, erroneous, irrelevant, or inaccessible. To rectify that, we are here.

We offer information that is reliable, correct, supported by facts, concise, easy to grasp, available, sympathetic, and practical.

We focus on your overall wellbeing throughout our material and assist you in drawing the crucial link between your lifestyle and health. “Whole person health” is the term we use. We cover a wide range of subjects and points of view to help with that.

Since we are aware that everyone’s experience is unique, we support inclusivity and empathy. We are available to everybody seeking improved health, without any judgment.

2. Upholding strict standards for journalism

We must maintain the highest standards of journalism because you come to Journal Review Content to find reliable health information. Our news and educational material is thorough, accurate, timely, balanced, and supported by research. Our featured content presents unique viewpoints with respect, candor, and understanding.

How do we make sure we adhere to these standards?

We carefully choose our contributors and give them ongoing training. Expert writers and contributors are carefully chosen by our in-house editorial team. We examine the subject-matter knowledge and practical life experience of our content creators. We educate them on the best procedures for sourcing and doing research, and we offer continuous mentoring and regular feedback.

All the companies we work with and reference in our content are thoroughly vetted. Our Brand and Content Integrity team investigates the corporate policies of partner businesses and assesses their health and medical claims in light of the available body of scientific data.

Our news team keeps up with fresh data. Our news articles are written by skilled journalists and fact-checked by experts. The News team conducts in-depth analyses of the most recent medical research each day to keep you informed about developments in the field of medicine.

Our standards are met by triple-checking all content. Every piece of material is reviewed by our internal copy editing team before it is published, and they make sure it satisfies our strict editorial standards for clarity, accuracy, good sources, and inclusive language.

3. Giving accuracy, empathy, and inclusivity first priority

Every article we publish should be readable and understood to our audience. As a result, we rely on a custom style manual that is based on the AP Stylebook. This guarantees that the readability, clarity, empathy, inclusivity, real-world application, high-quality source, and explicit citations are the main concerns of our writers and editors.

You’ll note that while being courageous and forward-thinking, our voice is friendly and approachable. Beyond being personable and open, we speak with awareness and respect in a way that encourages inclusivity and compassion. We make deliberate decisions to eliminate stigma, preconceptions, and bias by using empathic language to communicate tales that are free of judgment.

Conscious language is a constant goal of Journal Review Content. We frequently interact with local advocates and study language usage patterns in health communities. We carefully select our words in an effort to dispel stereotypes and give our readers power.

We advance along with language as it changes. We also recognize that everyone’s experience with health is unique, so we respect the language people use to describe their own experiences. In the end, we need to place you at the center of all we do in order to be a true ally. This viewpoint is reflected in the way we speak.

4. Regular content monitoring and updating

Information about health is always evolving. Old theories are debunked, new research is conducted, and terminology ages.

In order to share the most current and correct information possible, Journal Review Content constantly reviews and updates its content. We have full teams of editors and subject matter experts working to find and update outdated or ambiguous content in order to make this a reality.

The key practice recommendations, new clinical guidelines, drug approvals or recalls, and changes to standards of care are all monitored by our Medical Integrity team. The team shares these ideas with our editors and partners so that the most current, accurate, and helpful information may be reflected in the material.

A few dates might be seen in our content. These all refer to various stages of our editorial process.

  • When a piece of material is first written and posted on our website, it is given a “authored on” date.
  • A fresh “medical review” date is assigned to each piece of content after it has been examined by a knowledgeable member of our Medical Network.
  • A fresh “fact-checked” date is added to each piece of material when it has been independently confirmed by one of our expert fact-checkers.
  • A new “updated on” date is added to each item of content after it is edited. Minor inaccuracies may be fixed, new material may be added, old photos and sources may be changed, or any other changes may be made to increase the reader value of the content.

We update and examine information as a result of numerous ongoing procedures, including:

Periodic audits. We conduct routine assessments of the content to meet linguistic and medical terminology changes as well as emerging trends in the health communities.

A yearly brand audit. Every year, we re-evaluate the performance of the approved businesses and update any literature mentioning them to take into account any adjustments.

Daily updates that are timely. The most significant health news of the day is promptly updated by our news team, which also tracks changes to developing stories.

Immediate response to feedback. We welcome reader comments on our articles and respond very away to any potential problems. We act right away when a reader makes us aware of a potential problem with our content, such as erroneous, out-of-date, unclear, or contradicting information. Our editorial and medical teams review the comments, decide which changes are necessary, and then republish the revised information.

Our Editorial Process, Created for You

Here at Journal Review Content, we put your needs first. We work hard to support you as you pursue health and fitness. We can give you the most accurate, pertinent, and easily available content by following our editorial process.

If there is anything that we might be doing better, please let us know because we are constantly striving to get better. You can easily contact us by visiting this link if you have any concerns regarding the timeliness, accuracy, or usability of our content or if you believe a particular piece is out-of-date.

Immediate response from feedback. We welcome reader comments on our articles and respond very away to any potential problems. We act right away when a reader makes us aware of a potential problem with our content, such as erroneous, out-of-date, unclear, or contradicting information. Our editorial and medical teams review the comments, decide which changes are necessary, and then republish the revised information.